Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comparing The Kite Runner and Angelas Ashes Essay

Depression cause a down fall on a person’s emotion. This is easy to understand in the novels Angela’s Ashes and The Kite Runner. In these two stories a person will encounter with the feelings of abandonment and death. In the kite runner Amir was depressed that he and baba had to leave Kabul. He was wondering if he was going to forget his homeland along the line. He mentioned, â€Å"I only knew the memory lived in me a perfectly encapsulated morsel of a good past a brush stroke of color on the gray, barren canvas that our life had become † The Russians invaded Afghanistan so baba and Amir had to leave to find safety. It was very hard for them to leave their homeland and go to Africa. They had to leave all their belongings and life behind n start fresh in a different country. In Angela’s Ashes Angela’s family McCourt’s they saw they were living in poor conditions .Angela’s mother sent money so they al could board a ship to Ireland and start new and leave America behind. They left Brooklyn behind for nothing because when they got to Ireland the living conditions stayed the same. Malachy spends all of his money at the bars and he always shows u to work drunk. Now there are no more jobs in Ireland so he has to abandon his family and go to England to get a job there. Amir from The Kite Runner went back to Afghanistan to visit Rahim Khan because he was very sick. While he was telling him about his family he asked about Hassan so Rahim had to tell him the he got murdered by Taliban. Amir had lots of things going threw his head. He regrets not being in touch with him band for not sticking up h imp years ago. Baba became sick with cancer and he dint want any treatment, he wisent scared to die he knew he lived his life with many accomplishments. Amir father also died now he had no one to get help from when he need guidance. There were many deaths in Angela’s Ashes. When Margret was born Malachy was able to bring food home. It was his only daughter and he was very happy, but when she died everything turned to the worst. Later Oliver one of the twins died. They dialed with many deaths in their family but every time it was harder, Oliver’s death caused depression in the family. The Kite Runner and Angela’s ashes have related themes, the theme of depression stands out, threw the loss of their loved ones, and abandoning their home land these two novels show different events that took in different parts of the world that made people depressed.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nurse Management

Our services are provided to those who have a private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or have the ability to pay for themselves. No individuals in need of our help will be denied, because of their inability to pay. I believe that management currently employs an instrumental leadership method. The instrumental leadership method has a category that includes the strategic leadership method. According to Rowel (2014), strategic leadership â€Å"influences organizational performance indirectly through actions and sections taken by the leader and his or her follower. Essentially it a follow the leader method, that seems to have taken on quite well with the majority. Our unit leader does not lead vocally, but through her actions. She works hard and which set the bar and example for the remainder of staff to follow. I believe that one of our biggest problems is the lack of accountability from some staff member. It is unfortunately really tough for some people to own up to their own mistakes, which would ultimately help the staff as a whole cause it is something that we all learn from.Our duty is to provide our patients with a multi-disciplinary team throughout their tenure with us, with the hopes of helping them reach a maximum level of dependability. This way they can gradually ease back into society. Ideally, the typical patient to nurse ratio is six to one. I reiterate the fact that is ideally, as with most nurses, in most facilities, we are normally understaffed. So that patient to nurse ratio can sometime reach to ten to one. Which in behavioral health, can be extremely dangerous.Many of our patients are very unstable individuals, and require extra care and supervision. Imagine having multiple patients needing that same care and supervision, at the same time. I simple solution would like for this, is for us to monitor our admissions. Take in account how many nurses are on staff, before admitting several patients at one time. Nurse Management Our services are provided to those who have a private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or have the ability to pay for themselves. No individuals in need of our help will be denied, because of their inability to pay. I believe that management currently employs an instrumental leadership method. The instrumental leadership method has a category that includes the strategic leadership method. According to Rowel (2014), strategic leadership â€Å"influences organizational performance indirectly through actions and sections taken by the leader and his or her follower. Essentially it a follow the leader method, that seems to have taken on quite well with the majority. Our unit leader does not lead vocally, but through her actions. She works hard and which set the bar and example for the remainder of staff to follow. I believe that one of our biggest problems is the lack of accountability from some staff member. It is unfortunately really tough for some people to own up to their own mistakes, which would ultimately help the staff as a whole cause it is something that we all learn from.Our duty is to provide our patients with a multi-disciplinary team throughout their tenure with us, with the hopes of helping them reach a maximum level of dependability. This way they can gradually ease back into society. Ideally, the typical patient to nurse ratio is six to one. I reiterate the fact that is ideally, as with most nurses, in most facilities, we are normally understaffed. So that patient to nurse ratio can sometime reach to ten to one. Which in behavioral health, can be extremely dangerous.Many of our patients are very unstable individuals, and require extra care and supervision. Imagine having multiple patients needing that same care and supervision, at the same time. I simple solution would like for this, is for us to monitor our admissions. Take in account how many nurses are on staff, before admitting several patients at one time.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ethics in Group Counseling Essay

Ethics is also termed as philosophy, which is a branch of philosophy that includes the systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of the right and wrong conducts. There are three major field of study within ethics that involves Metha-ethics that concerns with the theoretical meaning that are used to reference of moral propositions and their truth-values that can be determined, the normative ethics that concerns with the practical means of determining a moral course of action. Lastly is the applied ethics that concerns with what an individual is obligated to do in an appropriate situation or at a particular domain. This research paper can explore the various ethical issues that arise during a group session. There are certain ethical conditions that should be upheld in the panel session from the initial stages of the formation of the group to the working phase of the group. The group leader should be able to uphold definitive ethical, moral codes. Thus, the paper can enlighten the various ways that a group leader should act in the midst of a conflict as well as confidentiality within the group. In focusing on the ethical responsibility of members of a group it necessary to concentrate on the following topics that are explained as follows. Ethical Responsibility Ethical responsibility is the duty that follows the moral correct paths. The ethical responsibilities of the group entail that each member has the responsibility to be honest with other group members so that to be able to make decisions in the group sessions. It is necessary that there must be a clear moral standard from the outset. For instance, create and enforce a code of conduct that ensures that group members are treated fairly to avoid the appearance of unethical behaviors. The group leader should be able to ensure that there is transparency when dealing with group members. Also the ethical that you might feel you have, you should consider how the group‘s morality could affect the group productivity. Ethical Communication in  Small Groups Dealing with small groups work we major on focusing on getting the job done while maintain a reasonable relationship among group members. Ethics in a small group involve three levels whereby we have the individual group member, the group, and the group environment. Thus using ethics in a small group, it enhances the moral aspects of the group interaction. The ethical communication enables the human worthiness and the dignity by fostering the truthfulness, fairness, responsibility and enhancing the personal integrity. Thus, ethical communication in small groups is used for caring and accountability for oneself and other group members. Some other principles that are more applicable to small group communication involves: the truthfulness ,accuracy, honesty and provision of the integrity of communication, endorse freedom of expression and diversity of perspective together with the tolerance of dissent to be able to achieve the informed and responsible for making decision making fundament al to a civil society. Unethical communication causes threats to the quality of all communication and the consequently of the well-being of the individuals and the society. In addition, as a manager be able to create a promotion communication climate of caring and mutual understanding that exist with respect and uniqueness needs and characteristics of individual’s communicator and be able to accept responsibilities for the short and long-term consequences. Ethics is more easily discussed than putting into real practice as demonstrated by San Jose Mercury stated that the increasing trend in an organization to integrate a code of ethics for daily activities. Ethical communication requires that an effective critical thinking skills, recognizing the importance of the diverse perspectives and respect for the well-being of self and other taking the responsibility for individual and the group actions and reflecting on the choices the group members can make.. Ethics in Group Counseling During the session of group counseling, consist of the psychiatric care that many patients meet more at therapist at a time. Each group has different topics that they wish to tackle for the growth that enhances the distinction of the financial issue that an individual counseling can be able to create.  The financial tights limit the delivery of the community agency for individual counseling. Focusing on the Barlow Research stated that group-counseling sessions are more successful than the individual ones. Thus by evaluating the various facts that the states that group counseling benefit more patients at one time as well as being used more than the individual counseling. Through McCarty studies, they were able to answer questions that were concerning the indicator of the importance of group counseling as compared to individual counseling. They described the positive aspect of the group counseling as well as stipulating the negative side of the group counseling. The positive results of the group counseling involve the developing of the social skills among the group due to a safe environment in which the group members can share their thoughts feelings and ideas. In addition, the aspect that concerns the patients to be able to receive a positive feedback from their own group mate as well as various perspective on a similar issue, the group members can enhance to learn new ways in order to see a particular problem. Considering the negative aspects of the group therapy involves the clients were not speaking during a group therapy session since they are too shy to share their views in the front of other individuals. The other aspect consists of group settings and the benefits that are more important in the individual setting. The other aspect involves the issue of time which is limited and the group and the group sessions do not have flexibility date setting, thus any session that is placed by the counselor should be mandatory and set in the panel settings Characteristics of an Ethical Leader During the group, counseling session there must be proper individuals that are trained and equipped in an efficient manner to lead during the session. The individual that lead the session is considered as a leader who addresses the various issues that arise during the session. Some research that was done by Kalshoven and Hugh wanted to determine the individual characteristics that a leader requires that to lead an effective a counseling session. They stated that the major features of the ethical leader were both agreeable and conscientious. In their study, they proposed that a leader possess the traits whereby the manager requires the features to ethical standards in the counseling session. Another study that was done  by Riggio stated that the two important moral emotions that a leader must possess is the empathy for their clients as well as compassion for the individual wellbeing. Jacobs in his literature book stated strongly that leaders in group counseling must be at a state to have skills in organizing and planning the counseling sessions in order to keep orders and maintain the structure of the group. As a counselor, he/she must be able to answer the challenging question that can arise and ensure a complete knowledge understanding. The counselor should be able to understand the counseling theory to enhance proper training that can assist in the implementation of the ethical foundations. Primary Planning The counselor should be given proper training in advance with the aim of ensuring an effective ways in the counseling session. Thus, the counselor is required to attend a counseling session to have the insight to the future issues and the dilemmas they might face. Thus in the participation of that session it allows them to coin and gain the understanding and the perspective. According to Corey, the study suggested that for a minimum of 10 hours of observation and taking notes of the session. This paramount process enables the counselor to be involved in ethical decision-making and well-organized knowledge. The area of jurisdiction must be satisfactory to the counselor by screening the patients before joining the group, in a move to avoid disruption and hurting the whole group at the end of the process. During the screening session, it entailed answering, unsettled questions at the stipulated time. Further, there must be an alignment with the purpose of the group as well as make the t eam leader who will be able to meet the needs of the client as much as possible. The process of planning entails alignment of the client and counselor so that the customer will be free to the counselor to give out and share the deep and times emotions. Once the process of screening is finished, there is an informed consent section. The client that discusses what issues they will be able to encounter during the counseling sessions. The preliminary role of these step, it enables the disclosure of information to the group members to inform the clients the pros and cons of joining the group. It is also suggested that the informed consent section has potential risks that the members might face while in a group therapy session. It is well explained by the Corey survey, which  states that some clients might experience their privacy, which is a guarantee that the other member will respect their privacy The informed consent is usually presented to customers in a written and oral manner so that the clients can be completely informed of what they will encounter so that to avoid surprises when the sessions begin. In the consent, the clients are required to contain the role expectations of colleagues and the leader, the policies and the procedures that are governing the mandated group, the documentation requirements and the procedures for the consultation between group leader and the group members. Open or Closed Group It is stated that it beneficial to choose the group counseling since it is better to make a decision. There are supportive reasons to those suggestions that cause the more efficient counseling method. At first, the counselor can reach out a larger group of people. Instead of focusing much time on one person, we assist the lives of many other than concentrating on a single individual. Through group counseling, it benefits both the client and the counselor since it creates a great way to build a community and stimulate the counseling session. Secondly, the group counseling is more effective since the counselor can build his/her leadership skills this is created because of the counselors can encounter various problems and through making mistakes, they can become stronger and efficient leaders as the session progresses. The third reason it beneficial for both the counselor and the group since the counselor can be able to raise his revenue through obtaining a group counselling session as compared to one person and the member of the group can save money as well. Also, the cost of individual counseling is expensive as compared to the panel session The last reason to consider the group session is such that it is much effective since the counselor can continually learn experiment and strive to make a difference in the life of a client. Group Processes According to Corey, he stated that in-group counseling the issue of conflict within counseling in a group is common. The topic at times is inevitable within the group when you have personal clashing and perspectives within the group. However, according to Jacobs warned that the issues that are dealing with the denominator, negative member, and the overwhelming chronic talker,  and some issues of asking a member to leave are expected to arise in the counseling setting. Thus, it is important to note that some of the problems do not solely happen in the group setting but may happen as well in the personal counseling setting session. Therefore, the most important issue about conflict is not the conflict itself but how the counselor will be able to deal ethically with the issue when it arises. Thus, a great tool that one should use is to list all the conflict issues that they may arise and then gain the insight as to how to solve the issue ethically. In addition, it is desirable to seek advice from other colleagues about the tactics that may be used in the sessions to resolve the issues. The counselor is supposed to develop either an open or closed session group setting. Whereby in the public group setting session the members of the group are allowed to go and come at their own pleasure. Nevertheless, in the closed group sessions the member is required to be a continuance of the attendance throughout the designated sessions. Close relationship should be built on the counselor as well as a close relationship in-between the other group members as stated by the Forsyth who stated that the aspect of cohesion when conducting the issue of evaluation the leader must activity gain the virtue to keep the group in a cohesiveness mode. The ethical questions that arise from a closed group therapy sessions show the ability for the client to leave at any point. According to Corey, stated that a member should choose to leave the counseling session then that must openly let the group and the counselor must know that they wish to exit and the reason they exiting the group. It can be done in order not to harm the homeostatic environment of the group. Thus when the team member does not do this, it can harm the rest of the group and disrupt the growth process that there is among the group. It leads to a critical ethical topic that must be addressed in the every counseling group that is the issue of com fidelity. As a counselor it safe to uphold the confidentiality of the group members, this can lead to the group members being shy about sharing certain area their lives. There are certain aspects that the counselor can break in the confidential barriers While in the individual counseling, it involves talking personal feeling thoughts and behaviors and the things that are troubling and spend time in talking about the individual relationship with others. Your counselor will work with you to be able to set goals and the things you require to be accomplished  together. The counselor assists you to develop different strategies that can assist you to be able to reach the personal goals. In some cases, it could mean changing the pattern of thinking, learning new skills, changing the behaviors, and shifting the way you feel and express the emotions. References American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation (Current ed.) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Association for Specialists in Group Work. (2007). Best Practice guidelines 2007 revision. Retrieved from Baurhan, S., Smith, J., Steen. S.(2008). The preparation of the professional school counselors for group work. The Journal for Specialists in Group work, 33(3), 253-269 DOI 10.1080/01933920802196120 Booker, B., Henfield M., Steen S. (2014).The achieving success everyday group counseling model: implication for professional school counselors. The Journal for Specialists in Group work, 39(1), 29-46. DOI 101080101933922.2013.861886 Brigman, G., Campbell,C.(2005). Closing the Achievement Gap: A structured approach to group counseling, The Journal for Specialists in Group work, 30(1) ,67-82. DOI 10.1080/01933920590908705 Corey, G., Corey, M., & Haynes, R. (2014). Groups in action: Evolution and challenges (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. ISBN: 9781285095059 Cornish, M., Post, B., & Wade, N. (2014). Religion and spirituality in group counseling: beliefs and preferences of university counseling center clients. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. 18(1), 55-68 DOI 10.1037/a0034759 Hartman, D., & Zimberoff,D.(2012). Ethics in heart-centered therapies. Journal of Heart Centered Therapies, 15(1). Jacobs, E. E., Masson, R. L., Harvill, R. L., & Schimmel, C. J. (2012). Group counseling: Strategies and skills (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Petrini, C. (2013). Professional ethics between the individual and society. Physical TherapyReviews, 18(2), 142-143. Stuckton, R. (2010). The art and science of group counseling: The Journal for Specialists in Group work, 35(4), 324-330. DOI 101080101933922.2010.515904

Question 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Question 3 - Essay Example The frontal plane divides the human body into two halves, the front and the back. However, despite this division, the exercises involved consider side-to-side rather than front-to-back exercises. The exercises that involve the frontal plane are lateral dumbbell raises, side bends, side shuffling, lateral lunges and lateral band steps. These exercises are important in preparing the body for daily body movements. One should balance the frontal plane exercises for the upper, lower and core parts of the human body (Coulson, 2007). The transverse plane divides the human body into upper and lower halves, or top and bottom halves. It is involved in exercises that are done by twisting the body. The rotational movements move all or part of your body around the head-to-toe axis. Common exercises are rotating lunges, rotating chest presses, cable twists, rotating rows and medicine ball twists. The transverse exercises are very essential in preparing the body for movements in this plane. Including them in a regular exercising routine helps one avoid injuries that occur in this plane. These exercises are, however, not common in many workout routines. Overlooking them results in injuries such as ACL

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Management Decision Making - Essay Example Unfortunately, many of the other employees don’t feel the same. Some have even threatened to resign if the management doesn’t do something about Jack. Roger is concerned that production might be affected either way. Serious consequences can occur if he releases Jack and the same might be true if he retains him at work. The opportunity cost seems the same either way. Roger is concerned that they will lose a valuable member of the team if he releases or transfers Jack, but he is also concerned that they will lose quantity and be piled with workloads if Jack is allowed to stay without any change in his attitude towards work and other people. Although coaching has helped with the frequency of his complaints, there are still others who complain about him. The situation can be summarized as thus: â€Å"Coming to a decision of what to do with Jack such that it will come to a win-win situation for Jack, the company, and the other employees.† This can be viewed as follows. A parent is desperately looking for a way to reconcile her two children. They fight most of the time about seemingly unimportant matters. The older one often complains that the younger child seems to be wasting too much time playing with his toys rather than helping with the chores at home. The parent does understand the older child’s concern. There is work to be done at home and an extra pair of hands can definitely help. However, she also noticed that the younger child seems to have a talent for storytelling and she wants him to develop it. Obviously, the parent cannot choose between her two children that easily, nor can she simply let go of one of them. But there must be reconciliation if there is to be peace within the household. The plan is to bring the two into some sort of agreement so that there will be no more arguments. A win-win situation is also necessary, not simply preferred, because the parent cannot lose any of her two children. In this case, both

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Law of Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Law of Contract - Essay Example It is the incumbent on the employer to prove that the employee's absence or incapacity was of such a nature that further performance of his obligations in the future would be either impossible or a thing radically different from that undertaken by him to perform. The doctrine of frustration applies in the same way when a workman is physically or mentally incapacitated. In such cases, the workman would be entitled to be paid termination benefits under the Regulations 4 of the Employment (Termination And Lay-Off Benefits) Regulation 1980 and all statutory benefits due to him under the relevant legislation. Therefore, illness of an employee may operate to determine the contract if the illness is such as to interfere materially with the proper performance of the contract. On the other hand, a mere temporary illness will not so materially affect the employee's ability give personal service and, therefore, will not entitle the employer to dismiss the employee. The court affirmed that it was only in the case of a very serious sickness which may be considered as an event sufficiently fundamental to frustrate the contract and to give the employer the right to immediately dismiss the employee concerned on the grounds of disability. The incapacity or illness should not be temporary, but it should be serious and prolonged that the employee cannot be expected to perform his duties in the foreseeable future. In such circumstances, the employer has the right to terminate the employee's services. ... which may be considered as an event sufficiently fundamental to frustrate the contract and to give the employer the right to immediately dismiss the employee concerned on the grounds of disability. The incapacity or illness should not be temporary, but it should be serious and prolonged that the employee cannot be expected to perform his duties in the foreseeable future. In such circumstances, the employer has the right to terminate the employee's services. However, terminating the services of any employee while he is still on sick leave is an unfair labour practice. In the case of employee under police detention/custody, it is settled law that detention by police is a reasonable excuse to be absent from work. It is the finding of the court that absence from work due to arrest by police without any fault of the claimant is not misconduct and should not lead to his dismissal by applying provisions of S.13 (2) and S.15 (2) of the Employment Act 1955.In any event simply not being present at work is not per se a frustrating event, especially the time concerned was of short duration. If the company relies on the frustration of contract, it is for the company to establish that the employee's absence was of such duration that further performance of his obligations in the future is impossible. Thus, a contract of service may be frustrated if it is established that the nature of work so performed is critical to the operation of the company and the absence of the employee concerned is of a duration or nature that further performance of his duties under his contract of service in future would be impossible. The critical nature of work performed in relation to company's operational requirements

Monday, August 26, 2019

Campaign Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Campaign Critique - Essay Example It also aims to demonstrate the world’s commitment to this priority area of health care† (WHO, 2013). Background problem: the spread and increase of life threatening healthcare associated infections Geographical location (which are the countries where the campaign is implemented?) Global (48 countries have participated in this campaign) Target audience(s) Health care workers Approach (advocacy, social marketing, participatory, multi-pronged) Encouragement of health workers using the following tools: 1. System change tool: Alcohol-based handrub planning & costing tool (WHO, 2013) 2. Training/education tool: Hand hygiene - why, how and when brochure (WHO, 2013) 3. Evaluation and feedback tool: Observation form (WHO, 2013) 4. Reminders in the workplace tool: Your five moments for hand hygiene poster (WHO, 2013) 5. Institutional safety climate tool: Sustaining improvement-additional activities for consideration by health-care facilities (WHO, 2013) Dissemination channels (pl ease list the channels or materials) Government health agencies for each participating country. Critique: SAVE LIVES: Clean your hands The WHO campaign SAVE LIVES: Clean your hands targets basic health practices which seek to prevent the transfer of bacteria and of infection from patient to patient and from health worker to patient and vice versa (WHO, 2013). Health workers are always exposed to bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants which in some cases may be infectious and transferrable to other patients, to themselves, and to other health workers (Groll and Grimshaw, 2003). Washing hands has long been part of the health care process, however, there are times when health workers fail to adhere to its appropriate practice. Barriers to hand washing including limited and/contaminated water supply, especially in developing countries can prevent the health workers from actually carrying out their hand washing procedures before and after managing their patients (Mani, 2010). The lack of opportunity to carry out hand washing procedures also interferes with hand washing, especially where there are inadequate facilities for hand washing and where there are numerous patients requiring attention from the health workers (Kampf, 2004). Issues in the inadequate observation of hand washing techniques are seen mostly in developing countries where their health resources and facilities are inadequate, and where the number of patients often overwhelms health worker population (Kampf, 2004). The goals of the WHO campaign on highlighting the importance of hand washing for health workers is an important goal, as it helps energize a health care practice which can potentially bring about significant benefits for the patients and health workers (Larson,, 2007). The goals of the project are also clearly linked to the WHO’s First Global Patient Safety Challenge, referring to clean care and safety care (WHO, 2009). Through the campaign, the WHO has provided a necessary first step towards ensuring patient safety and welfare. Health care associated infections can easily transfer from one patient to another through the contaminated hands of healthcare workers. Improving the hand hygiene practices of health workers decreases infection in various settings (Curtis and Cairnscross, 2003). Public concerns on the increased levels of meticillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), as well as Clostridium difficile infection (CDR Weekly, 2003) are just some of the reasons why hand hygiene measures

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Biological Aspects Of The Evolution Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Biological Aspects Of The Evolution - Case Study Example The ancestral character is normally inherited from a distant ancestor while the derived character is one that has experienced fresh evolutionary transformation in a group. The derived characters are employed to classify species that share the trait together to signify that a common contemporary ancestor had similar traits. The sharks share a common character with the rest of the organism in the tree, which is a vertebra. This implies that all animals in the phylogenetic tree are vertebrae. The second trait that is found in all the animals except the shark is a bony skeleton that developed in Phase 2 of the tree. This makes the shark different from the other organisms. At level 3, the specific trait that is shared amongst the rest of animals is four limbs. Therefore, ray-finned fish are separated from the other animals at this stage of growth. At the development stage, 4 the common trait is an amniotic egg that is present in the remaining species. At level 5, the derived character that makes primates, rodents, and rabbits to be distinct is the existence of hair. The crocodiles, dinosaurs, and birds, have one trait, which is two post-orbital fenestrae (University of California Museum of Paleontology, 2011). In conclusion, transformation in character happens in a period where traits may be acquired or become extinct.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

My views on leaders and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

My views on leaders and leadership - Essay Example It is worth mentioning that effective leadership is vital for organizations in order to survive in today’s challenging business environment (Jackson, 2011). The paper will describe a reflective essay on the conception of leadership which I have observed during my career progress. The objective of the paper is also to describe the most competitive and effectual leadership approach which I have undergone during the journey of my professional life. My views on leaders and leadership According to my perception, leaders guide the followers. If no one follows a particular person willingly, then he/she cannot be termed as a leader. The word â€Å"leader† in my sense is that person who perceives an overall understanding of the operational and managerial duties to be accomplished within an organization (such as a school or a business establishment). Leaders always take the key position in fulfillment of responsibilities or series of tasks. However, the imparting of the title â⠂¬Å"leader† alone is not sufficient to define the philosophy of true leadership. It is my subjective opinion about the leader that a person’s distinct and specialized strengths can place the basis of his/her leadership achievements to be labeled as a leader. Contextually, the central leadership power and personalities are related with personal and special strengths. The leadership strength is again observed to be linked with a particular career, the assigned job roles and duties of a person (Jackson, 2011). In this regard, I have found that no precise and replicable association subsists between individuals in the leadership role and the certain personalities or strengths of those individuals associated with leader. In an organization today, the leadership and followership are positioned in the progressively complex, undefined and dynamic business context with numerous realities on the basis of several values, urgencies and requirements (Jackson, 2011). My views on follo wers and followership According to my viewpoint, the ideology of true leadership necessitates decent followers. Followers can be personified in numerous ways, who are employees, citizens, investors and individuals having faith in their leaders. My belief is that leadership cannot happen without an effective leader-follower association. Yet, at times, frequently followers are given less priority in the leader-follower relationship and are observed with a negative implication. Several professionals believe that becoming a follower is the second appropriate alternative for a person to become a leader. However, my viewpoint perceives that being an effectual follower is just as significant and necessary as being a successful leader. Often, it can be observed that before a person ends up as being an effectual leader in an organization, he/she initially had played the vital role of being a follower with efficiency. Essentially, followership is the capability or readiness of a person to fol low the leader. As leadership is incomplete without followership, no matter how the followers are labeled, they are just central to the ideology of leadership, being equivalent to the importance of organizational leaders (Ricketts, 2009). Leadership theories and experiences The leadership theories serve as a framework

Friday, August 23, 2019

Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Questions - Essay Example Claims made by Matthew are geared towards the Jews to whom Jesus had come to set free by returning them back to their creator. Through connecting Jesus with King David, Matthew was trying to make his message more appealing to the Jews since they were well informed about the courageous acts of King David and how he was able to unite the entire nation of Israel and to bring peace to it. So the people were to believe that Jesus was to do the same although his approach was to be more spiritual than physical. On the other hand, John seeks to affirm the fact the fact that Jesus was God and was part of the trinity. Jesus was not just the messiah but he was God and this is demonstrated by John through the miracles that he performed such as changing water into wine, walking on water, raising the dead and healing many sick people. The claims of John were not just meant to be for the Jews but for the whole human race to whom Jesus being God had created and cared about (Neville,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Campbell Soup Essay Example for Free

Campbell Soup Essay Campbell Soup Company (CSC) was a diversified food processor known for its strong brands and product quality. One of its products is produce ready-to-serve soups for customer who is not able to make soup. Formerly, Campbells products spread all over 3 segments of condensed soups, ready-to-serve soups and dry soup, and it is considering to expand its product to microwavable soups to make customer more convenient for preparing soup without container. The following figure showed the foundation of CSC. CSC used its engineering support and diversified production line to support customers with convenient, good taste and quality food. CSC is a decentralized company; its strategy is to diversify its business to product several products, and expand its marketing share. Something behind the diversified production line, used to support its operating system, is its CIRT and CCID department. Those are charged with process RD, product development, packaging and engineering systems. CSC used production line for its operating system. The advantage of it is to reduce WIP among the process, and it required high quality and stable operating system to avoid the unexpected shut down. Symptom CSC is developing a new product of microwavable soup, which is assigned to Plastigon line in the early 1980s. However, the Plastigon line is taking so long for result. Because of this, Elsner was assigned to resolve Plastigons technical problems and make Campbells engineering more effective and efficient. Problem 1.Conflict between organization and development process From the current CSCs product development process of task forces, we know CSC would appoint the appropriate engineer from any department in charge of the new process. The advantage of this way is more flexible and superior because everyone has the suitable skill in charge of the new process.  However, there is no clear assignment of who is responsible to run this project team. That caused nobody took it to be their obligation, they actually wanted less and less to be involved. Their position was, Wait until its a proven process and then CSC will be ready to accept the line for their operation. Otherwise, coordination between engineers form various groups was difficult because often the engineers were not at the plant at the same time. Even when some were present, they had their own tests to run and not usually were not interested in running the line as a whole. This situation caused the other problem that the problem of the other part of production line would occur when the problem of one part was resolved due to incoordination among all parts. 2.Production process As we know, the production process which CSC used is production line, which can be described the products are manufacturing as a continuous flow. Production line requires standard and stable process with good quality to avoid occurring shut-down. If one part was shut-down, that would influence other parts. Suggestion Aiming at conflict between organization and development process, the problem is due to the structure of organization is different from development process. The organization is decentralized, but RD is centralized. However, because different product has different feature, RD should have different knowledge and experiment in charge in different product. For example, microwavable soup can be used by microwave, so it requires different material, and RD has to consider the different point and set up a suitable process for it. At this point, I suggest CSC decentralizes its RD into different product. When CSC decides to produce a new product, they should take appropriate engineers from RD, and make a subgroup for the new product. After that, set up a pilot for this group who is responsible for this production line, and integrate whole engineers. Engineers have different expertise in their area, so how to coordinate them to devote their  knowledge to this production line is also a crucial point. The duty of the pilot is to lead this group and responsible for proving this process. Using this way, the subgroup has to transfer to the new plant, which would reduce the transit times by using centralization. Furthermore, engineers would run their part at the same time, which would improve the efficiency of the process. Second, CSC used production line for its process; however, it would make whole process shut-down if any part was in trouble. Otherwise, the most parts of this process are made by human resources. The efficiency of each person decides the efficiency of whole process. If workers have different efficiency, that would cause the process not continuous. It means idol time would occur between each part. To resolve this problem, I suggest CSC change its process from production line to job-shop. Although job-shop would produce more WIP, the influence would be reduced by using this way, and the process would not entirely shut down. That makes the whole process produce smoothly, and standard. Furthermore, aiming at the point of the most parts of this process is made by human resources. I suggest CSC should prepare Quality System Document and on-the-job training program with handbook which can help workers to familiar with whole process and operation soon. If training program and handbook are more detailed, workers are easy to find answers from them for their questions without the instruction of supervisor, and help them become skillful operators.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson Essay Example for Free

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson Essay While Stevensons Jekyll and Hyde is a reflection of the times in which it is set in, it also has considerable relevance for the modern reader. Do you agree? The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson was first published in 1886, during the Victorian era. The novel gives the reader a very vivid picture of the ideas and lifestyles of the people in that time. The book is a reflection of times and has considerable relevance for the modern reader. I partially agree with the fact that the book has relevance for the modern reader. Stevensons main inspiration for The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde came from the life of Deacon William Brodie. He moved easily among the gentry during the day and exalted in criminal escapades at night. He was a respected member of the Town Council, and his talents as a cabinet-maker were well known and appreciated by wealthy members of society. By night he roamed the dark and dangerous streets of Edinburgh. He frequently visited many gambling and whore houses. His life was one of great interest at the time, especially after his capture. The interest in Brodies life even inspired Stevenson to write a play about his life, this relates to the increasing interest in horror stories in todays world. The mystery of his death still lingers, while interest about his life continues to grow. In 1859, a book called On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin was published. The book inserted into the minds of the Victorian people that man had evolved from apes. Hence we see the frequent references to Mr. Hydes animal characteristics through out the book. The author makes Mr. Hyde seem less than a fully evolved man, more akin to animals than the rest of mankind and he portrays this through the imagery of Mr. Hydes animalism. When Mr. Utterson first confronts him outside the laboratory entrance to Dr. Jekylls house, he is said to be taking in breath with a hissing sound, like that of a snake being cornered. Poole, Dr. Jekylls butler, describes his cry like that of a rat and his movements like a monkey; his screams are described as mere animal terror. In his Full Statement of the Case Dr. Jekyll says that his indulgent life which was chained down, began to growl, just like an animal that has been chained down for a long time. He also says that his dual personality is like the animal within me licking the chops of memory. The Victorian readers would be very familiar with these descriptions of people. But a modern reader wouldnt agree with the fact that man had evolved from apes as science has proved that isnt so. But we do see the animal in man taking over our actions, as we have seen the inhuman treatment delivered to soldiers by their fellow soldiers in the World Wars. Suicide bombers and terrorist attacks too are modern actions depicting the beast in man taking over the human personality. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde also reflects the hypocrisy of the Victorian era. Being an MP, his death would have aroused a lot of curiosity among the people. By assisting Mr. Utterson, Inspector Newmans name would be made popular, especially if he found the criminal. Hence while he wanted help bring the MPs murderer to justice, he was also doing it to better his professional name. This attitude reflects human nature. Every person has an evil side to their nature, Mr. Hyde reveals this side of our nature to society. By wanting to kill him, Poole, Mr. Utterson and the father of the girl who was trampled upon, were unconsciously rejecting and killing a part of their true selves; and are unconsciously guilty of hypocrisy. This form of hypocrisy is still common today, where people know that they are doing is wrong but choose to deny the fact and continue with their actions. These men knew that there was an evil side to their nature but choose to ignore the fact. The theme of hypocrisy is seen in the maid that Dr. Jekyll had employed in the Soho house, which was to be Mr. Hydes home, as she was known to be silent. But when Mr. Utterson and Inspector Newman arrive after the murder of Sir Danvers to inspect the house, she seems delighted with the fact that her master is in trouble, A flash of joy appeared upon the womans face.. Dr. Jekyll is one of the best examples of hypocrisy in the book, as he fails to accept that the evil side of his nature was a natural part of his personality; this denial led to his meltdown. He also had two faces or rather wore a public mask, which portrayed him as a very charitable and kind man. While in private he was committing murder and trampling on little children for no reason. We too are guilty of hypocrisy. We use people who are weaker than us to our benefit; sometimes our denial of certain facts causes us too to be guilty of hypocrisy, and at times can lead to our defacement. Stevensons book looks at the duality of human nature, the good and evil sides which are within all of us. The author is analysing the consequences of emphasising too much of one side or another of our nature. The theme of duality in mans nature is predominant in the novel. The theme is a very powerful description of the 19th century contradiction of outward respectability and inward lust, it also played a major role in the authors life. We see the theme being depicted in Dr. Jekylls attempts in separating the two elements of a persons nature. This theme is mainly seen in the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekylls public image was one of a respected physician and chemist, someone who was respected by everyone he came in contact with. He was born into a prosperous family and hence had a good education. He would also be a man of high civility and with good taste. If Dr. Jekyll was to unleash his evil side, people would have been taken aback with his behaviour, as there was a certain degree of behaviour that had to be maintained among high ranking members of society, like himself. In order to avoid this marring, he created Mr. Hyde. When unleashed Mr. Hyde committed some very evil crimes. The author gives us details of only two of these incidents. The first, where he trampled over a little girl for no reason and walked away. Leaving her wounded and helpless on the street. The second, the murder of Sir Danvers Carew. The theme of duality in a persons character, is universal. People are always trying to hide their true selves out of fear that they may not get accepted into society, because peoples individuality isnt respected. People are expected to be just like someone else. The images of the street that Dr. Jekyll lived on also contribute to the theme of duality. The street is described to have freshly painted shutters, well- polished brasses and general cleanliness and gaiety of note, instantly caught and pleased the eye of the passenger. Two doors from one corner, on the left hand going east, the line was broken by the entry of a court; and just at that point, a sinister block of building thrust forward its gable on the street. The structure is said to have no window, nothing but a door on the lower storey and a blind forehead of discoloured wall on the upper.. The offending section of the street is the entrance that Mr. Hyde used, while Dr. Jekyll used the main square entrance. Today too streets have two natures. In the day it may be a street with thriving trade, but when darkness falls the trade becomes acts of crime. The lack of a leading leady in the novel represents the male dominant Victorian society. This contrasts with todays society, where the womans place and role is slowly rising from that of the home maker, to playing a role as important as that of the male. In the Victorian era the woman was only supposed to have a family. As a member of the upper class then she would indulge in her hobbies for most of the day. Or as a member of the lower class she would hold the position of maid servant in the house of a member of the upper class. This idea juxtaposes with the modern idea of the womans place in society. Today women have secured positions in all fields of life. The modern reader will be very familiar with the idea that suppression leads to violence. We see this idea being portrayed in the novel as well. R. L. Stevenson also uses imagery to depict this idea and help the reader visualise the message he is trying to convey. We are told that all the windows in Dr. Jekylls house have iron bars on them. These are symbols of his self imprisonment. His interest in eccentric science, led to his close friend Dr. Lanyon to end their professional relationship to end, and caused their friendly bond to drift further. The Victorian societys constraints, that is the certain level of behaviour that a member of a prosperous family had to maintain at all times; and Dr. Jekylls feelings of imprisonment motivated his dangerous experiments to create Mr. Hyde, or an evil twin as it would be known in modern days. When Dr. Jekyll prevents himself from turning himself into Mr. Hyde, the result of the suppression was his murdering Sir Danvers Carew. His denial of the fact that a persons evil side cannot be separated from their character, his experiments which showed that the two elements an be separated, and his unsuccessful attempts of preventing himself from taking the drug to transform into Mr. Hyde causes his eventual destruction. The interest in anatomy and chemicals is also common in modern times. The man who owned Dr. Jekylls house before him was a surgeon. Hence the presence of the laboratory. Dr. Jekyll was a chemist by profession, and his job was related to the human body. He wanted to prove that man is not truly one, but truly two. He wanted to separate the two elements, and house them in different identities and relieving the world of the intolerable. This idea is similar to that in Mary Shellys Frankenstein; that is the idea of man playing God. This is a very common idea today as well, genetics is a fast growing industry as man wants to take the place of God. To prove this, he went about mixing drugs and concocted a potion that would change his appearance. This would enable him to unleash his evil side, without tainting his image and still maintaining his middle-class respectability. Todays interest in chemicals and the anatomy is to duplicate species and to aid procreation like the creation of clones; to cure diseases and also to destroy life, like in the creation of bombs and poisonous gases. Addiction is another theme in the novel that has modern relevance. Dr. Jekyll was addicted to transforming into Mr. Hyde. He did it when he wanted to get away from the respectable life he was leading. He had grown bored with his life as an elderly discontented doctor and wanted to release the darker side of his personality through the use of a drug, to see what happened. Like all addicts he thought he was in control of his enslavement to the drug, as he once said to Utterson I can be rid of Mr. Hyde at any time. In reality if the compulsion isnt stopped as soon as it is started it begins to control the addicts life, and from then on theres no going back. With the stresses of living in todays modern world an addict will be able to relate to Dr. Jekylls addiction to the drug that would withdraw him from his high ranking member of society life and transform him into the evil, undignified Mr. Edward Hyde. The book has contributed to modern psychology theories. Terms in modern psychology now consist of The Jekyll and Hyde personality. In my opinion Stevenson was undoubtedly aware that these issues were ones which many ordinary people of that time were thinking about. Most of the ideas have carried on through the centuries, though some have changed; for example the attitude towards the womans place in society and the origin of mankind. Some social ideas will carry on through the centuries to come like, suppression leading to violence, the acts of hypocrisy that we are all guilty off, the increasing interest in chemicals and the anatomy and the undeniable fact that we all have an evil side to our nature and it accounts for only a small portion of our personality. Hence I hold a balanced view.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Comparison of Colonisation in Brazil and Ireland

Comparison of Colonisation in Brazil and Ireland INTRODUCTION Purpose of this paper is to compare the colonisation of Ireland with that of Brazil. In order to do this, the paper has been structured into three parts. The first part looks at the pre-colonial period of Ireland and Brazil. This is followed by the comparison of colonisation processes that each one was faced with. Finally, the post-colonial Ireland and Brazil are discussed. PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD COUNTRY AND POPULATION According to Smith (1999), authority within the Irish island was decentralised, with important regional variations between communities of independent or semi-independent Gaelic chieftaincies, turbulent Anglo-Irish marcher lordships, and an east coast area regularly influenced by the operations of English common law and the officials of the royal administration at Dublin. Its population has been estimated at around 2 million (Encarta 2000). Most of the hundreds of indigenous peoples who inhabited eastern South America prior to the arrival of the Europeans were members of the Tupà ­-Guaranà ­ cultures. In Brazil, the native Toupi-family groups we found in areas along the eastern coast of the continent south of Amazon River and inland south of the Amazon to the Andean foothills (Encarta 2000). According to Economist (2000), population of pre-colonial Brazil was about 2.5 million when the Portuguese arrived. According to Encarta (2000), this number is difficult to estimate since there are no written records, with recent calculations suggesting between 1 and 6 million Native Americans in 1500. CULTURE AND LANGAUGE Said (1990) described Ireland as a third world country, both England’s poor â€Å"other† and belonging to the cultural domain of the developed world. However, Encarta (2000) indicates that its Celtic culture was famous for its artworks, music and cultural institutions. People spoke Celtic, Gealic language. Indian societies belonged, for the most part, to the great Tupi cultural root, which had been lasting for at least 500 years when contact with the Europeans was established (Metcalf 2005). In comparison to Irish, Tupi society was much more primitive. The village was the basis of the Tupi social organisation. The society was often referred to as the ‘land without evil’ and it had no slavery among its groups. According to Encarta (2000), these people had no metal tools, no written language, no beasts of burden and no knowledge of the wheel. They worshiped spirits and relied on religious figures known as shamans for healing, divination of future events, and connection to the world of spirits. They spoke variations of the Tupian language. COLONIAL PROCESS SYSTEMATIC VS ACCIDENTAL In the history of the Irish colonisation by England there are two distinct colonisations (Nelligan 2000). The first was in the 13th century with the arrival of the Anglo-Normans. This was a colonisation that had some form of dialogue, an interaction between the coloniser and the colonised, where eventually it is deemed that the colonisers became â€Å"more Irish than the Irish themselves†. However, the second type of colonisation in Irish history occurred in the 1560s, with the advent of Cromwell’s campaign, which entailed the attempted total destruction of Irish culture, language, history, lifestyle, and rights of the Irish people. This entailed no dialogue except for the threat of death if compliance with the coloniser was not forthcoming. While the colonisation of Ireland was systematic from the beginning, discovery of Brazil by the Portuguese came in 1500 by accident, when a fleet commanded by Pedro Alvares Cabral and bound for India was blown off course (Economist 2000). Furthermore, it has been claimed that the conquest and appropriation of the Brazilian territory, and the questions that they provoked, did not always put Europeans and Indians one against the other (Abreu 2004). Colonisation often demanded that the Europeans allied themselves to the natives against other Europeans, and that the natives allied themselves to Europeans against other natives. SETTLEMENT AND OPPRESSION VS ECONOMY BY SLAVERY Irish colonisation was an attempt at annihilation of the Irish in order to make room for English settlers (Nelligan 2000). It was an outright attempt at domination, usurpation and control of the Irish people. According to Lilley (2000), the process of colonisation in medieval Ireland needs to be viewed in the context of Norman and English depictions of the Irish as non-urbanised and therefore uncivilised, because towns were of operated without urban laws. This lack of written urban law has sometimes led historians to accept that the Normans and the English introduced urbanism into Ireland and that they therefore also ‘civilised’ the country. This was done in order to show that there was just cause to settle and urbanise the ‘barbarous people’ of Ireland. The legal and economic privileges contained in these urban laws initially excluded indigenous peoples, and the landscapes of newly developing towns were organised so that Irish were spatially marginalised. I n this context, the idea that the Irish were socially and culturally inferior to the Normans and the English was reinforced. This confirms Meining’s (1982) assumptions that the exercise of ultimate political authority by the invaders over the invaded involves the locating of agents representing the imperial state in the subordinate area; as well as his argument that imperial expansion is basically predatory, and that agents of the imperial power will seek to extract wealth from the conquered territory, creating new economic relationships. This also goes inline with Meining’s (1969) argument that only by appreciating the nature of the geopolitical environment of the early seventeenth century can the ideological significance of the Self/Other theme be truly recognised. Colonisation of Brazil served different purpose. According to Marchant (1942), it involved two stages. The first one, prior to colonisation, was dominated by barter and was profitable for both sides. This is why the natives were compelled to search for contact with the Europeans. In fact, bartering became so important to some native communities that they continued to practice it even when the terms of trade were modified, that is, after the Europeans started to require the ownership of the Indian labor force. The second phase started in the fourth decade of the sixteenth century, when the first sugar mills were established. To be profitable, sugar production demanded a multiplicity of hands and hard work journeys, which the majority of the Portuguese settlers had no condition or will to provide. Furthermore, Portugal did not possess a demographic surplus that would be able to sustain, at the same time, the voracity for men of the Brazilian sugar plantations and the labor force needs of metropolitan agriculture. As the option for wage-earning labor was not considered, because it made impossible the commercial production of sugar, the enslavement of the native of the country started. According to Metcalf (2005), an ever increasing West African slave trade did not only carry powerful economic interests, but the well developed justification for slavery, as well as legal principles certified by the pope. The trade in Africa encouraged an immediate adoption of slave trading in Brazil by Portuguese merchants. Argeu (2004) claims that, with the establishment of a general-government in Brazil, in 1549, the first official determinations against slavery appeared but only to the ‘allied’ natives, required to be settled near the European cities and towns. The policy of Indian settlements was introduced at the end of the 1550s. The work of the natives was compulsory in the settlements. In the last quarter of the sixteenth century, as the natives were becoming rare in the coast, it became necessary to attract the native populations from the interior, thus starting the cycle of ‘transfers’ that would last until the eighteenth century. It involved conv incing the natives in the interior that it was their interest to settle near the Portuguese, for their own protection and well being. Reality, however, ended up by being different, as it became very common to bring the natives by force to the coast, where they were distributed among the sugar cane plantations and European settlers. In 1570 the crown adopted the medieval concept of ‘just war’ to Brazil, and slavery was seen as the fair price paid by those who opposed themselves to the civilising and catechising role of the Europeans. Although only the king or the governor general had the power to declare just wars, the requirements were not always obeyed, resulting in the breaking out of just wars everywhere. This resulted in the massive enslavement of all kinds of natives, including the allies. Thus, according to Metcalf (2005), Indian slavery expanded dramatically after 1570, becoming an integral part of the colonial Brazilian economy and society. Following the discove ry of gold in the late 1600s, Brazil expanded its borders into the interior of the continent (Encarta 2000). Gold made Brazil the most economically important region of the Portuguese. In the late 17th century, gold was also discovered north of Rio de Janeiro. By 1700 the western world’s first great gold rush had begun as thousands of colonists and slaves poured into the region. It received new stimulus in the 1720s with the discovery of diamonds in the region north of the gold fields (Encarta 2000). The slave system began to disintegrate in the 1880s with the rise of a vocal abolitionist movement, largely in the cities, and the growing tendency for slaves to flee from their masters. By 1888 unrest on plantations, and the refusal of the army to step in and halt the flight of slaves from their masters, brought the system to the brink of chaos (Encarta 2000). The colonial process in Brazil was inline with Meining’s (1982) and (1969) arguments discussed above. POST-COLONIAL PERIOD INDEPENDENCE For Said (1990), Irish people were central to the emergence of Irish nationalism. Independence was finally achieved in the early 20th century. According to McDonnell (2001), there were two stages of decolonisation. The first stage of decolonisation was the founding of the Free State. The second stage was the decision of the Irish Free State to remain out of WWII, where as the northern state became more and more identified and incorporated into the UK as a colonised state. One of the major results of decolonisation was that the state of Northern Ireland was formed which would remain under British control. Ireland is usually referred to as post-colonial despite continuing conflict over Northern Ireland. This led to the isolation of Northern Irish Catholics within that territory and their further colonisation. Northern Ireland will never be apart of the republic, and at bet will be its own independent state. Many argued that Ireland had not fully decolonised and expressed the struggle t hat was the begging of the process (McDonnell 2001). According to McDonnell (2001), Irish became own critics when they no longer had critics. The colonial thinking led to the selective teaching of history in Ireland, as the 19th and 20th century was not taught in schools until the 1950s. Today teachers still have an agenda to give a republican perspective on what happened (McDonnell 2001). In contrast to Irish, Brazilian independence was achieved without violence. When Napoleon invaded Portugal and Spain in early 19th century, Portuguese were forced to transfer the center of the empire to Rio de Janeiro (Encarta 2000). In 1815 John VI elevated Brazil to the status of a kingdom, placing it on an equal footing with Portugal. The presence of the monarchy and court in Rio brought Brazilian and Portuguese elites together and paved the way for a gradual transition to independence. Once Napoleon was defeated, John VI reluctantly left for Portugal in 1821. His son Pedro remained in the colony as prince regent of Brazil. Pedro and his advisers realised that revolutions in other Latin American countries were encouraging a movement for national independence in Brazil and decided to take control of this movement. In 1822, after receiving orders from the Portuguese Cortes curtailing his authority in Brazil, Pedro declared Brazil’s independence. COUNTRY SIZE AND POPULATION Ireland republic today comprises about five-sixths of the island of Ireland, and excludes North Ireland (Encarta 2000). The country consists of the provinces of Leinster, Munster, and Connacht (Connacht) and part of the province of Ulster. The rest of Ulster, which occupies the northeastern part of the island, constitutes Northern Ireland, a constituent part of the United Kingdom. The population of Ireland is predominantly of Celtic origin and no significant ethnic minorities exist. In 1998 it was estimated at 3,619,480, which is a decrease from the 1840s, when about 6.5 million people lived in the area included in the republic. This was largely because of a high emigration rate (Encarta 2000). Colonisation of Brazil, on the other hand, has resulted in an enormous country, occupying area along the eastern coast of South America and including much of the continent’s interior region (Encarta 2000). The population increased during the 18th century as a result of natural increase and immigration to Brazil’s gold fields, which were discovered in the late 17th century. Population further increased when the Portuguese brought more than 2 million slaves from Africa to Brazil to provide labor for the sugar plantations and gold mines. During the early part of the 19th century over 1 million more slaves were imported. After the slave trade was abolished in 1850, the country’s population continued to grow by natural increase and immigration from Italy, Portugal, Germany, and Spain. By 1900 the population was just over 17 million. Immigration continued to be substantial until the 1930s, with many Japanese arriving after 1908. Since then, population growth has been p rimarily due to natural increase. In 1950 Brazil had 51,944,000 inhabitants, and in 1998 estimated 169,806,557 (Encarta 2000). However, colonisation has reduced the number of natives from perhaps 2.5m when the Portuguese arrived, to just 100,000 in the 1970s, although the Amerindian population has now risen to 325,000 (Economist 2000). Native population decreased rapidly as a consequence of war, enslavement, and the introduction of European diseases. In the 1990s Native Americans made up less than 1 percent of the population, living in isolated groups in remote regions of the rain forest. However, it has been suspected that their birth rate is now 10% above the Brazilian average. As a consequence of colonisation, Brazil’s population is a mixture of Native American, European, and African peoples. These groups have intermingled over the years to create a society with considerable ethnic complexity. CULTURE Evidence suggests that both Irish and Brazilian cultures suffered from colonisation. It has been claimed that the exposure to Portuguese society was shocking. It resulted in introversion and shame, created by slavery, which lasted longer and involved larger numbers in Brazil than anywhere else (Economist 2000). It also resulted in isolation of Brazil form its Spanish-speaking neighbours. Negative effects of colonisation in Ireland varied from loss of culture to the emotional and material losses (McDonnell 2001). Colonisation of Ireland had caused feelings of withdrawal and inferiority. Kenny (1985) described the post-colonial Irish personality as one in which the inner world is elaborated, bringing a focus on fantasy, magical thinking, superstition, and creativity. Furthermore, the reaction to the outer world is one of helplessness and passivity, as people came to believe in their own inferiority and powerlessness to change things. According to Economist (2000b), five centuries of miscegenation in Brazil have blurred the racial boundaries between Europeans, Africans and Amerindians. Today 38% of Brazilians call themselves brown, blacks are only 6% and Amerindians a mere 0.2%. Such racial mixing encouraged Brazils largely white elite to nourish a myth that their country had overcome the legacy of slavery and become a racial democracy, with no colour prejudice (Economist 2000b). Different off-shot has been seen in Ireland where, according to Lipsky (1979), the group accepts very narrow definition of its membership, including being catholic, nationalist, and a member of the GAA. This effectively excludes many because thy do not conform to some rigid stereotype, or they themselves do not feel a part of the group. Internalised oppression leads to mistrust about their own thinking and intelligence among members of the group, trusting more their oppressing group’s thoughts and opinions, rather than that of each other. According to Economist (2000b), Brazil’s deep social inequalities run broadly along racial lines. Brazil is still largely governed, managed and owned by whites. Blacks and browns are disproportionately poor, and find it harder than similarly qualified whites to get a job. After being elected in 1994, president Cardosa took modest steps towards solving the problem, setting up an advisory council on race issues and appointing Pele as Brazils first black minister. Recently, the Brazilian army gained its second black general and the federal police its first black commander. Access to education is still the greatest obstacle to the advancement of black Brazilians. Amerindians are in even worse circumstances, urging the Congress to pass a law to strengthen their rights, which has been under discussion for nine years. Although Irish people have a long historical experience of oppression, they still participate in the oppression of many other groups (McDonnell 2001). Ireland at the present has become a primary destination for immigrants from war-torn African countries and Eastern European countries. Many people reflected that it ironic that people in Ireland are acting in a racist fashion against these incoming peoples considering how much Ireland depended on having a welcome in other countries during the hard economic times. Violence is present in both countries. According to Economist (2000), Brazil has ugly everyday violence. In Ireland, the frustrations of repressed emotions and interpersonal suspicion have led to behaviour that evidences anger and violence, and also is abusive to other Irish people in particular (McDonnell 2001). According to McDonnell (2001), most people accepted that Irish are looking for an opportunity to find a way around the law, are being indirect about the truth, and have problems being empathetic and helpful. In addition, most people seem to think that the Irish emphasise the need to own the land but do not care for its beauty or upkeep, which is seen as a direct result of colonisation. Furthermore, it has been argued that Irish have more problems with sexuality and alcohol than other nations. LANGUAGE Only about one-fourth of Irish speak Irish, a Gaelic language, while almost all the people speak English (Encarta 2000). The constitution provides for both Irish and English as official languages. However, some have interpreted acquisition of the English language in positive terms, as it has helped people who emigrated from Ireland to establish themselves in English speaking countries. The second advantage of the English language is that it has helped to attract foreign business, in particular America. Finally, the success of Irish people in adapting to the English language has produced world renowned literature. Portuguese is the official and prevailing language of Brazil, although there are some regional variations in pronunciation and slang words (Encarta 2000). Since 1938 Portuguese has been the compulsory language for teaching in schools, but German and Italian are still spoken in homes in the South by some descendants of immigrants. English and French are the main second languages of educated Brazilians. There are also over 100 indigenous languages, of which the most important are Tupà ­, Gà ª, Arawak, and Carib. The Portuguese borrowed some Indian words, particularly from Tupà ­. Many settlements and physical features still have Indian place-names. The settlers also borrowed some words from the vocabulary of African slaves. CURRENT CHANGES Irish culture is, at present, undergoing a transition time and is emerging out of some of the effects of colonisation such as poor self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, into a new and effective role in the world (McDonnell 2001). The Celtic Tiger, the name given to the recent economic boom in Ireland, is seen to have the most change, brining economic success and concurrent financial independence and efficacy to the culture. This is perceived to have reached many levels of the culture, bringing benefits and a general increase in confidence. Ireland is undergoing a transformation from being an economic underdog to one of first world economic success. The process of Ireland being caught in the colonial dynamic of relating only to the coloniser, Britain, was seen to be ameliorated by the coming of the EU. This was followed by the influx of American companies into Ireland, which effectively changed the economic status of the country. According to Economist (2000), only Japan recorded faster economic growth than Brazil between 1900 and 1982. And though Brazil is not free of racism, it has been strikingly more successful than the United States and many other countries in creating a multi-racial society. Its recent democratic governments have made big efforts to tackle other social problems, ranging from education to land reform. Having overcome hyperinflation, and ridden out last years devaluation, the economy is now set to grow again. Brazils prospects now look brighter because over the past decade the country has moved far in opening itself up, slashing tariffs, abolishing state monopolies and selling off state-owned businesses to private investors, many of them foreigners. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abreu, M.A. (2004). â€Å"European Conquest, Indian Subjection and the Conflicts of Colonization: Brazil in the early modern era†. GeoJurnal, Vol.60, pp.365-373. Eagleton, T., Jameson, F., Said, E. (1990). â€Å"Nationalism, Colonialism and Literature (eds)†. University of Minnesota Press. Economist (2000). â€Å"Brazil’s 500 Years of Solitude†. Vol.355, Iss.8167. Encarta Encyclopedia (2000). Microsoft. Economist (2000b). â€Å"Brazil’s Unfinished Battle for Racial Democracy†. Vol.355, Iss.8167. Kenny, V. (1985). â€Å"The Post-Colonial Personality†. The Crane Bag, Iss.9, pp.70-78. Lilley, K.D. (2000). â€Å"Non Urbe, Non Vico, Non Castris: territorial control and the colonization and urbanization of Wales and Ireland under Anglo-Normans lordship†. Journal of Historical Geography, Vol.26, Iss.4, pp.517-531. Lipsky, S. (1979). â€Å"Internalized Oppression†. Black Re-Emergence, Iss.2, pp.5-10. Marchant, A. (1942). â€Å"From Barter to Slavery: The economic relations of Portuguese and Indians in the settlement of Brazil, 1500-1580†. Johns Hopkins University Press. McDonnell, A.P. (2001). â€Å"Internalized Colonisation Ireland and Irish Culture: A psychological enquiry†. American School of Professional Psychology. Meining, D.W. (1969). â€Å"A Macrogeography of Western Imperialism: some morphologies of moving frontiers of political control† in Gale and Lawton settlement and encounter. Oxford University Press. Meining, D.W. (1982). â€Å"Geographical Analysis of Imperial Expansion† in Baker and Billinge Period and place: Research methods in historical geography. Cambridge University Press. Metcalf, A.C. (2005). â€Å"The Entradas of Bahia of the 16th Century†. The Americas, Vol.61, Iss.3, pg.373. Nelligan, L.M. (2000). â€Å"Home Fronts: Domestic civility and the birth of colonialism in 16th century Ireland†. University of California. Smith, B. (1999). â€Å"Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland: The English in Louth, 1170-1330†. Cambridge University Press.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Gothic Theme In Frankenstein Essays -- essays research papers

The term Gothic refers to a genre that came about in the late eighteenth century. It can be a type of story, clothing, or music nowadays. In this paper it will refer to a style of literature. A very good example of this type of literature is Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. There is a sense of foreboding throughout the whole novel, which is one of the basic necessities of the Gothic. This theme of the Gothic has different characteristics that all fit into the story of Victor Frankenstein and his monster and make this one of the first horror stories every told. The very first characteristic of a Gothic novel is its sinister setting. The opening sentence in Frankenstein sets the mood for the rest of the book. Shelley begins her novel with, "You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings" (p. 13). At this point in the novel, Walton is on a ship in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, on his way to the North Pole. He is being blocked from all sides by ice, and can see nothing but ice for miles. The landscape is barren, and all of his crew is in fear of running out of food and fresh water. This setting is very sinister in lieu of the imminent death that is facing the crew members. When the scene switches to the life of Victor Frankenstein, the reader finds out that everything is wonderful throughout his childhood. Later, when he goes away to college in pursuit of knowledge about alchemy and other sciences, everything gets darker and darker. When construction of the creature begins, Victor describes his workshop as "a solitary chamber, or rather cell, at the top of the house, and separated from all the other apartments by a gallery and staircase. This is where [he] kept [his] workshop of filthy creation" (p. 53). He goes on to describe the "dissecting room" and "slaughter-house" that provided his material (p.53). This, too, adds to the sinister setting and evil undertones of the novel. The setting also serves the purpose of reflecting the feelings of the characters in the novel. Whenever Frankenstein is upset or someone is going to jail, it is raining. A Gothic novel would not be complete without a lot of rain. ... Frankenstein ends up dying and even Walton is in danger of being killed if he stays out to sea too long. Death, darkness, rain, and horror are all needed to make a good Gothic novel. Not only did Mary Shelly include all these things, she added a few to make the story even more interesting. Her novel meets all the characteristics for a work of Gothic fiction. As Malamund mentions, "Shelley's monster [is] at home amid the Gothic, and [is] able to march forward--undaunted by the landscape of terror" (p.45). WORKS CONSULTED Crowell, Thomas Y., et al. The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Boston: Desmond Publishing Co., 1902. Shelly, Mary. Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus. 1818. England: Penguin Putnam Inc., 1992. Malamud, A. "Frankenstein's Monster: The Gothic Voice in the Waste Land." English Language Notes 46 (1988): 41-45. Parkin-Gounelas, Ruth. "Learning What We Have Forgotten." English Language Notes 39 (1987): 215-219.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Macbeth Senior Research Paper -- essays research papers

In Shakespeare’s lifetime he wrote many plays. Many of them were critically acclaimed and others cast aside. The crowd always wanted to be more thoroughly entertained and Shakespeare always tried to keep up with the people’s needs. In 1605, Shakespeare was being hounded for another work of genius. Hamlet and King Lear had just been completed and the people begged for more. He knew not of what to write and like many playwrights, he did research. He found two stories from Hollinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. Shakespeare had already taken ideas from Hollinshed for his plays like Henry IV and Henry V. William decided to combine the reign of Macbeth and the murder of King Duff by Donwald and his wife, altering both to suit his needs. Macbeth is by far the shortest play that William Shakespeare wrote. The main reason why this is so is not because Shakespeare did not have much to say, but because King James was so impatient. Macbeth was written basically for the king. In fact, the emphasis on witchery was because King James so heavily believed in sorcery. Shakespeare worried very much about the evil powers insulting the king. After all was said and done, Macbeth was another barrier to be broken in the great scheme of performances. It was an instant success. King James and the court loved it along with England. No offenses were made from Malcolm needing help from England. Shakespeare had feared that James would be offended. From that moment on Macbeth would be known by all. Yet the people begged for more and hoped Macbeth would be out done by another astounding play. Shakespeare wondered how such a task could be accomplished. What was it about Macbeth that made it loved by everyone? Shakespeare’s style has been analyzed by many and some still can not figure it out. His poetry has influenced his plays immensely.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Apart from the fascinating characters of the two leading roles, the play’s chief   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  attraction is it wonderful poetry. Scarcely a word is wasted, and vivid images   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  tumble after each other in a stream of color and ideas. (Ross 43)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare put great thought into what he wanted to write and his feelings expressed themselves through the stylistic devices of tone, characterization, and symbo... victim, Duncan, is a Christ-figure overflowing with love and grace; in his welcome at Dunsinane to Duncan as being reminiscent of Judas at the Last Supper; and in the earthquake and eclipse that accompany the crucifixion of Christ and the murder of Duncan. (Monarch Notes 4) In my opinion, I never would have thought about Macbeth and the Bible relating to one another, but everyone has their own opinion. Symbolism played a very important part in Macbeth. Blood, for instance, was very key in it. Duncan’s blood on the Macbeth’s hands is a symbol of the evil crime they committed, the guilt of which cannot be washed away. Macbeth’s curse, â€Å"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red† (Shakespeare Act II, Scene III). â€Å"Lady Macbeth: Out, damned spot! out I say!...yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him† (Shakespeare Act V, Scene I). The guilt of Duncan’s murder, although more present in Macbeth at first, has grown in Lady Macbeth until she began having the same insane visions of her hands getting bloodier and bloodier not ever coming clean.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Flat Tax :: Essays Papers

Flat Tax Let’s Hear it for the Flat Tax Do you think we should abolish the Internal Revenue Service? If you were to ask your family, friends and neighbors, you would get a resounding YES! That was my outcome when I, as an income tax preparer, surveyed my clients as well as my family, friends and neighbors. The comments ran from â€Å"It’s too complex†, â€Å"It’s unfair† to â€Å"They are too powerful†. Not one person was happy with the tax code as it currently stands. That is not to say people do not want to pay their fair share. They just want an easier, fairer way to do it. To prove the complexity of the IRS Code, Money Magazine asked fifty â€Å"tax experts† to figure hypothetical family’s tax liability each year from 1988 through 1992 and published the results in their March issues. The best year’s result was 1990 when only 48 of the responses were incorrect. If a tax expert could not figure the liability properly how can anyone expect the everyday taxpa yer to do it? The solution quite possibly is the Flat Tax. What will the Flat Tax do for us? The current proposed tax rate of 17% for all income will be more fair. It is much simpler; the tax return for an individual and a business will be postcard size both having only ten lines on them. The proposed flat tax eliminates the tax at a personal level for interest, dividends and capital gains as well as allowing businesses to deduct capital assets in the year of purchase. Currently a capital asset is expensed by taking depreciation over the useful life of the item. Many economists believe these features in the flat tax will stimulate economic growth. According to the Bureau of National Affairs Banking Report â€Å"Some 55 percent of the 156 analysts polled by the National Association of Business Economist think the economy would benefit from some type of flat tax†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Compliance is the final benefit of the flat tax. There will be a higher compliance in filing and paying Federal Income Tax. The flat tax removes the three primary excuses for non-compliance: the complexity, low likelihood of being caught and fact that the current system seems to favor special interests "at my expense†. Flat Tax :: Essays Papers Flat Tax Let’s Hear it for the Flat Tax Do you think we should abolish the Internal Revenue Service? If you were to ask your family, friends and neighbors, you would get a resounding YES! That was my outcome when I, as an income tax preparer, surveyed my clients as well as my family, friends and neighbors. The comments ran from â€Å"It’s too complex†, â€Å"It’s unfair† to â€Å"They are too powerful†. Not one person was happy with the tax code as it currently stands. That is not to say people do not want to pay their fair share. They just want an easier, fairer way to do it. To prove the complexity of the IRS Code, Money Magazine asked fifty â€Å"tax experts† to figure hypothetical family’s tax liability each year from 1988 through 1992 and published the results in their March issues. The best year’s result was 1990 when only 48 of the responses were incorrect. If a tax expert could not figure the liability properly how can anyone expect the everyday taxpa yer to do it? The solution quite possibly is the Flat Tax. What will the Flat Tax do for us? The current proposed tax rate of 17% for all income will be more fair. It is much simpler; the tax return for an individual and a business will be postcard size both having only ten lines on them. The proposed flat tax eliminates the tax at a personal level for interest, dividends and capital gains as well as allowing businesses to deduct capital assets in the year of purchase. Currently a capital asset is expensed by taking depreciation over the useful life of the item. Many economists believe these features in the flat tax will stimulate economic growth. According to the Bureau of National Affairs Banking Report â€Å"Some 55 percent of the 156 analysts polled by the National Association of Business Economist think the economy would benefit from some type of flat tax†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Compliance is the final benefit of the flat tax. There will be a higher compliance in filing and paying Federal Income Tax. The flat tax removes the three primary excuses for non-compliance: the complexity, low likelihood of being caught and fact that the current system seems to favor special interests "at my expense†.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Minor Signs Contract

As I have been doing business with Don on a steady basis. I would consider us to be in an Implied contract situation. Subtask, Brenna, Browne (2009) defines an implied contract as â€Å"established by the conduct of a party rather than by the party's written or spoken words† (p. 240) so I would want to remain reasonable and fair in my decisions moving forward. I would still move forward with doing business with the company in Connecticut. As we do not have a contract that states I will provide a certain amount of product for so many years or length of time.I would notify Don in written notice that I will no longer be able to provide the Supporting products to him after a fair and reasonable amount of time. I would again offer suggestions of other local distributors so Don could reach out and still continue selling the product in his business. I would also speak with the Connecticut Company to see if could add an amendment to my contract to still be able to provide Don a small local business the ability to remain selling the product I provide to him at the normal status quo. Don would most likely try and sue for breach of contract as he feels he has a legal ND binding requirements contract. Unfortunately, â€Å"contracts made by minors are avoidable and can be dissatisfied by the minor at any time before the minor becomes of a majority age or shortly thereafter† (Subtask et al. 2009, p. 254). As an ethical business person Don should have never asked my minor son to sign a contract. Don should have presented the contract directly to me as the owner of the business he was purchasing from. Spiritually Don's honesty and integrity is also brought into question and would have reservations about continuing doing business with anemone who Is willing to be so deceiving In his business practices.My Christian beliefs have taught me we â€Å"Do not steal. Do not deceive or cheat one another† (New Living Translation, Leviticus 19:11). I really don't appr eciate Don as a fellow Christian treating me this way and not coming to me directly regarding the contract he had my son sign. I think Don may be someone who: Longs to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. New Living Translation, 1 Timothy, & 6:10) I also believe Don committed a form of criminal fraud described by Subtask as the â€Å"intentional use of some sort of misrepresentation to gain an advantage over another party† (2009). Subtask et al. (2009) also gives several examples of common fraudulent acts but the one that fits this situation best is â€Å"False pretenses, a designed misrepresentation of existing facts or conditions by which a person obtains another's money or goods, such as writing of a worthless check† ( p. 155). In this scenario It's having my son sign a contract to try and guarantee the price of the products Don Is purchasing.In my understating of the covenants of good faith and fair dealings as long as I continue to supply the requested product until I have given reasonable notice to end services I can remain legal under the uniform Commercial Code (USC). 2-201. Formal Requirements; Statute of Frauds. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section a contract for the sale of goods for the price of $500 or more is not enforceable by way or sale has been made between the parties and signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought or by this authorized agent or broker.A writing is not insufficient because it omits or incorrectly states a term agreed upon but the contract is not enforceable under this paragraph beyond the quantity of goods shown in such writing. (Subtask et al. , 2009, p. 764) According to these terms under the USC, it would require us to have a legal contrac t in writing by an authorized agent or broker, which my minor son is not, again making his requirements contract not enforceable. It also says contract or not I would only be held responsible for any goods beyond what would be in the written documentation.Since we do not have a valid contract stating these terms, there is no reason why I cannot stop selling my products to him with a reasonable amount of notification offered. Don along with fighting for Breach of contract is probably trying to receive some form of remedies for the alleged breach of contract. Remedies for a breach of contract are generally classified according to whether the plaintiff requests monetary damages (â€Å"legal† remedies) or non-monetary images (equitable remedies).

Friday, August 16, 2019

My Narrative Report in Pal

Internship or on the job training is one way by which we students are given an opportunity to apply the theories and computations that we have learned from school. It also helps us to obtain applicable knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. Earful tool and possibly even a source of recommendation when they take that big lift from being students to career professionals. The On-The-Job Training (OJT) is one of the requirements in order for a student to be able to graduate from college and to become a professional. This training prepares the students to practice their profession. Thus, in adjusting one’s self and mingling to others one must cope up with the different standards and attitudes of the people in a particular field of industry. It is also a bridge to enhance the students’ skills that should be an advantage when they finally land a job. It’s proven and well tested! Experience is definitely the best teacher. There are countless things that I’ve learned during my On-the-Job Training at Philippine Airlines. Being in a new and never-been-to environment was a big challenge to me. I exerted great effort to cope up with the means and manner of living of the new environment that I’d indulged into. I did my best to blend in and went in with the flow of what the real world is offering. One of the requirements as graduating students of the College of Arts and Letter is On-the-Job Training. This Training exposes us to the real environment of a certain organization. Thus, adjusting oneself and mingling others is a must to cope up with different standards and attitudes of every individual in a particular field of industry. In furtherance, OJT will be a bridge to enhance our skills in communication and technical activities that makes it a plus point the sooner we landed a job and help ease the culture shock while dealing with different specialized people of their expertise. I went to other organizations to have an OJT but sad to say there were already different students from different schools who had come first to conduct an OJT. I was already desperate, hopeless and we’re running out of time. I came up with a decision and suddenly an idea flashed in my mind â€Å"Why not try Philippine Airlines? Due to lack of time, I went directly to the Branch Manager of Philippine Airlines, Legazpi City and submit a letter for approval in conducting an OJT in their organization. Knowing that I already accepted to conduct an OJT, my worries were then blown up by the wind as if my heart felt empty with thorn and pains of miseries. The manager told us the Don’ts and Do’s in the company like; Doâ⠂¬â„¢s: Wearing of Formal Attire Good Grooming Be On Time Don’ts: Do not go out in the Airline field without wearing a vest. Do not wear slippers Do not wear â€Å"maong† pants Don’t be shy Then my journey started in PAL†¦ my first week was a disastrous one. Why? Exactly 8am on the very first day of my report in the office the router was damaged due to faulty electrical wiring of transformer by ALECO. So all the computer transaction were then changed to manual type. The manager let me stay in his office for an hour or so because of what had happened. In that day I was oriented on what to do and exposes to other employees as well. And hey, before I forgot I have a company from other school, they are from La Consolacion College of Iriga City, a Tourism student. At first I am shy to them, I didn’t talk to them I just stayed in the office of the manager, but because of their super-duper nice approach to me and to their super friendly attitude we become friends. They guide and teach me what to do. My co-OJT named Margarette, Angela, Erika and Rhea. I learned more about what OJT means and to be patient is more important when you have a relationship to other people especially when you do not know them well. I had encountered different attitudes between clients and my employer, they have more jokes than us and we have to be sports and control our feelings. I meet new friends inside the company even though they have more guys than girls. I have a new co-OJT trainee after the first batch had been finished their 180 hours, named Makie, Eunice, Marieson and Shiryne. They are a tourism student from Iriga City also to be exact a classmates of my co-OJT the other month. They are a nice person and kind to me. And because of that I let them fill in to my ever loving slum book. Hehehe Check in Area I was trained on what specific things to do in the check in area like weighing the baggage’s, tagging with an international, local, perishable, push ups and fragile stickers and of the course adding baggage number and how it weighs. I was told also the allowed kilo of baggage and allowed kilo of hand carry. I was assigned also to PAL number seats in rows and columns. On the second day I was trained on what to do in the manual system. It was so strenuous even the employees were busy that time. I assist them at the back and I am always alert to avoid destruction. I was oriented also about the mandatory elements and the cleanliness around the check in area. Ticketing Office I was assigned in answering the phone for clients who wants to inquire in a specific date of flight, lucky you are if the customer is in good mood. I also type in the Documental Transmittal or Acknowledgement Receipt, Shipping Order ( I type certain records then pass it to the cargo area) Updated forms (air them back to Manila) I also do an accounting like the domestic sales report. I was also assigned to print the tickets and pass it the cashier. In ticketing area I was then given a short examination by one of the employees on how to use the electronic system of ticketing. Sir Mayor taught me how to do the work. Food Well, as part of my on-the-job training in the Philippine Airlines, I was part to the group to feed the tummy of my sir and maam. My co-trainee said that we need to prepare a food when we done our training. So I joined the group. I contributed 200php for the food. Then, there my OJT ends.